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What causes Bad Breath in children?

Have you ever thought about why your toddler is having bad breath? Or as a teenager, do you want to get rid of a foul-smelling mouth but could not find its exact causes? Halitosis can affect anyone; from toddlers to young children.

Before it gets worse, let’s check the causes and cures.

Common Causes of Bad Breath

Some very obvious reasons are diet and poor oral hygiene. But there are a few reasons which you’ll be surprised to know. Learn about them here.

1. Poor oral hygiene

Toddlers don't know how to maintain their oral hygiene. As a parent, it is your responsibility to take extra care when flossing and brushing your teeth. Young children should maintain oral health by following the routine twice a day and in a proper manner.

Plaque settles between teeth and gums leaving you with bad breath.

2. Dehydration

Parents keep running behind their kids to have plenty of water for the day. But do you listen to them? This is the reason that you might be facing bad breath issues.

Why do they say this? Because hydration in the form of saliva is necessary and if your mouth dries up then odour bacteria arise in the mouth. Some kids may face this due to their habit of sleeping with open mouths.

3. Eating smelly foods

Tasty things often affect our health. That is how food with a distinct smell is. Think of smell and the very first ingredient that comes to mind is onion. They leave our mouth with a very foul smell. Another strong-smelling food is ginger.

To avoid the smell from these foods, you can get yourself sugarless gums, natural mouth fresheners, or follow a simple routine of brushing your teeth and rinsing your mouth.

4. Medical conditions

Medical conditions and regular medication might also be some of the reasons for the foul odour. Medications lead to decreased saliva that decreases water content and hence is a cause of bad breath.

Tonsils, sinus, diabetes, kidney-related disease, liver problems, and mouth cancer are some problems that may result in a bad-smelling mouth cavity. Sinus blocks the nasal passage and you might experience a sore throat. When you find such serious issues in your kids, then it is recommended to seek a pediatric dentist.

5. Foreign object

A very rare but possible reason that we might often ignore. Just like a medical condition, if your kid’s nasal cavity is blocked by some foreign object like the minute part of toys, small food grains, then it can also lead to a bad smell. This cause often goes unnoticed.

What to do if Bad Breath prevails?

If foul breath persists despite improving oral hygiene and the dentist determining that your child's mouth is healthy, you may refer to a primary care physician for additional tests to establish the underlying cause of the halitosis.

Alba Dental Clinic offers the best treatment and Pediatric Dentist for the oral health of your child. Regardless of the reason, teaching your children how to brush and floss their teeth properly will help them develop good dental hygiene habits for the rest of their lives.

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