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How Can Pandemic Stress Adversely Affect Your Oral Health?

Our generation has never experienced such stressful days as we have witnessed collectively from the last year. The only cause of these collective stress cycles of human beings around the world is the global pandemic. Coronavirus has brought stress to the lives of people who were living a stress-free life before. The stress has been different for different people but do you know how adversely it is affecting your kids?

People have had stress due to various reasons like:

  • Death in the family: The biggest reason for stress among individuals is the death of a close family member or friend. The death toll around the globe has impacted everyone even if nobody close to them died.

  • Unemployment: Another reason for widespread stress is the level of unemployment faced by individuals around the globe. Unemployment has been faced by many people around the world.

  • The stress of the unknown: In the current situation, people have been uncertain about the future and their lives. This has also led to increased stress levels in individuals.

Anxiety in adults has also impacted the lives of children and made them stressed. They are stressed as they are away from school for the longest period of time. Stress cycles lead to health issues including oral health problems. What kind of oral health problems are caused due to stress and how can we deal with it? Let’s find out.

  • Grinding teeth leading to cracked and chipped teeth:

When people are stressed out, they tend to grind their teeth in sleep or otherwise as well. You sometimes do not realise it but the people living with you can make out if you are grinding your teeth. Grinding teeth leads to cracked and chipped teeth. One needs to deal with this problem by wearing a nightguard on teeth before sleeping as it will help in overcoming this habit caused due to stress.

  • Dry Mouth:

We have spent one and a half years living with face masks. These masks help in fighting the virus but they come with a disadvantage too. Long intervals of wearing the face mask cause suffocation and anxiety. A dry mouth, in turn, leads to various problems like the growth of bacteria in our mouth which causes oral health issues like bad mouth odour and other serious illnesses.

To counter this issue, one must stay hydrated in order to avoid dry mouth spells. Keep a water bottle with you and keep sipping from it every now and then.

  • Gum Diseases:

It has been reported that people who are already suffering from some kind of gum disease are more prone to a severe case of Covid-19. Gum diseases have led to fatalities related to coronavirus on a large scale to be worried about it.

This can add a serious amount of stress to the people who are already suffering from any kind of serious gum disease. People suffering from serious oral health issues can become stressed due to the fact that if they catch void-19 it can become a severe case.

  • Oral Ulcers:

Mental stress aggravates oral ulcers in individuals. Many people across the globe are facing oral ulcers as a result of Covid-19 which has become a serious oral health issue in individuals.

The thing that has to be noted here is, even ulcers cause stress, which is due to pain and irritation.

Oral health problems are caused due to stress and you can deal with them through the best advice from dentists. Attention must be paid to children’s oral health during this pandemic as they are going through stress as well. Alba Dental Clinic, a pediatric dentist clinic provides the best oral health care for your child.

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