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5 Healthy Snacks For Your Kids That are Good For Their Oral Health

Being a parent is a full-time job and when the children are on vacations, the responsibility doubles up. One of the most difficult tasks as a parent is to find the right kind of snacks for children. When children are at home it seems like they are always hungry. What would you do as a parent if your child constantly asks for food?

Some parents spoil their children by giving them unhealthy snacks like fried chips, candies, sugary ice-creams and what not. This builds up the habit of always munching on unhealthy snacks whenever hungry. This is a myth among young children that healthy snacks are not tasty. Parents are majorly responsible for this belief of their children. Kids dentists encourage the consumption of healthy foods for the better oral health of children.

As a parent, it is your responsibility to make healthy snacks interesting and tasty for your child. You should develop their habit of turning to healthy snacks whenever they are hungry. This can be done easily as you can find hundreds of recipes on the Internet easily with a click of a button. You can experiment with different ingredients and make healthy alternatives for your kids. It is advised by pediatric dentists to avoid unhealthy snacks for the better oral health of children. Let’s look at a few healthy recipes that you can try out this summer vacation for your child and make them obsessed with these alternative snacks for their oral health.

  • Fruit Popsicles:

Many children are not fruit lovers. They hate eating fruits and it is difficult to get them to eat any kind of fruit. Fruit popsicles are the best alternatives for store-bought sugar popsicles. You just need to add a few summer fruits in a popsicle mould then add coconut powder and pour in either honey or maple syrup for sweetness. Freeze it for 4-5 hours and your healthy fruit popsicle is ready.

  • Fruit Pizza:

There are different ways to feed fruits to your children. You can take a round watermelon slice and put yoghurt on it. You can use flavoured yoghurt to add more taste to the recipe. Next, add your choice of fruits as toppings and you can give it to your kids to munch on. It is an easy-to-make delicious fruit salad recipe that would work on children.

  • Frozen Yoghurt Chocolate Bars:

Every kid loves chocolate. It is difficult to subtract the consumption Of chocolate from a child’s diet. Chocolates contain a high level of sugars that are bad for the oral health of your child if consumed in large volumes. Make yoghurt bars by spreading yoghurt on a silicone sheet and adding their favourite fruit toppings and chocolate chips to it. Freeze it and break it into pieces when it is frozen and firm. Treat your child with healthy snack bars filled with choco chips.

  • Caprese Kebabs:

Have you ever wondered how to add vegetables like tomatoes to your child’s diet? You can make Caprese kebabs with an attractive presentation to make your child obsessed with tomatoes. Take skewers and thread into them cherry tomatoes, basil leaves and a dash of mozzarella cheese. Sprinkle some black pepper and salt and your healthy kebabs are ready which would be light and healthy for hot summer days.

  • Hummus Cups:

Hummus is a healthy recipe that can provide different nutrients to your kids. You can get shot glasses and put some hummus in them. Put veggies and other things like wheat bread on skewers or toothpicks and place it in a slant on the mouth of the glass. The presentation and the recipe would both work in helping your kids munch on healthier snacks.

It is important for kids to include healthy fruits and vegetables in their diets not just for their overall health but also for their oral health. Sugary and processed food leads to bad oral health. Pediatric dentists at Alba Dental Clinic advise maintaining a healthy diet for better oral health in kids the better

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